Life Is Meaningless

22 Apr 2024

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  • A very common term I’ve used right? And there’s a lot of analysis based on it as well.

But how do the philosophical perspectives respond to the statement’s rationality?

•Stoicism: Even if forgotten, a virtuous life holds intrinsic value. Focus on what you can control and find meaning in the present moment.

•Nihilism: Embrace the lack of inherent meaning and create your own through your unique experiences and actions.

•Existentialism: Take responsibility for defining your purpose and create meaning through your choices and connections.

•Absurdism: Accept the absurdity of a meaningless universe and find joy in living authentically despite the inevitable.

Ok, this was more like a theoretical answer, but we don’t only focus on Philosophical Questions rather we find an optimal & practical approach to these.


Is good for short term or quick decisions based on the notion. You’re stuck in traffic. Rather than getting frustrated, you could use the time to listen to some music or a audiobooks, ted-talks.


Is good for non competitive social dynamics. You break up with a partner who doesn’t share your values. Now you’ll seek opportunity to find someone better who actually leans with your ideas & understands your circumstances.


Is the most practical for capitalistic/competitive society. Suppose you do something which barely pays you. You know that in the vast spectrum of suffering what you’re doing might be insignificant, but it is what it is. You accept the truth & make your job your purpose.


Is the best for hyper competitive society. You’re terrified of public speaking, but you have a presentation at work. You’ll accept the inherent absurdity of the situation & focus on delivering the information effectively, you’ll build characteristics within you which properly delves the situation. The most rationally optimistic solution.

Now ultimately it depends on you.


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