Journey 3

22 Dec 2023 Life

Journey Contd….

Year 3 :

Amidst the academic challenges of the third year, my journey took an unexpected turn. Financial strains at home added an extra layer of complexity, and the struggle to keep up became more daunting. The burden reached a point where friends, unaware of the underlying challenges, urged me to leave due to difficulties in contributing to rent.

Despite these setbacks, I refused to be defined by my circumstances. With a resilient spirit, I persevered through the hurdles of the third year, determined not to let adversity dictate my path. The failures became stepping stones, propelling me forward rather than holding me back.

As the challenges of the third year subsided, a new horizon unfolded. I cleared the hurdles that threatened to impede my progress and set my sights on the dream that had fueled my journey from Dumraon to Bangalore – securing a job in the tech industry. The coming year held the promise of a new chapter, one where resilience and determination would pave the way to the realization of my aspirations.

Stay tuned for the next installment, where the pursuit of a job becomes the focal point of my journey through the final year of college.

[To be continued…]


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