Journey 4

22 Dec 2023 Life

Year 4 - Continued:

Graduation Day:

Initially hesitant, I found myself on the brink of skipping the graduation party, feeling I had nothing to showcase for the degree I had just earned, with no job offers in hand. However, buoyed by friends, especially Sandeep, who lent me his camera, I begrudgingly got ready, donning a suit for the occasion.

Despite my initial reluctance, the day unfolded into a surprisingly enjoyable affair. The camaraderie with friends, the shared joy of graduating with classmates, and the genuine happiness from teachers made the event memorable. The gathering was not just about degrees; it was a celebration of the journey we had undertaken together.

Amidst the festivities, there were moments of laughter, shared memories, and genuine warmth. The day transformed from a reluctant obligation to a joyous celebration, leaving me with a sense of fulfillment despite the uncertainty that loomed on the professional front.

Stay tuned as I delve into the post-graduation phase, navigating the challenges of job hunting and the pursuit of meaningful opportunities.


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